So close to hitting 50 subscribed readers in a 24 hour period!! I think 49 is the highest so far. It'd be great to eventually get to 3 figures. Please pass on the link to this podcast to all that may be interested and get them to subscribe. That would be awesome. Spread the love :-)
After this years project is up, the songs will increase in length and contain further instrumentation.
http://murdergrin.blogspot.comRSS Feed -
Just a quick one... I have just listened to all the pods in reverse order for the first time and so far 8 is my fave!
Keep up to cool work... and I hope you hit the 100 soon mate!
Pod 08 hey... too cool. Bit of the ol fat and heavy grind :)
Cheers for the comment. Hopefully I'll get to the 100 mark at some stage. Halfway there at least. Cya soon!!
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